Sunday, March 4, 2012

History of Laparoscopic Surgery

1902Georg Kelling, of Dresden, Saxony, performed the first laparoscopic procedure in dogs. He used a cystoscope to peer into the abdomen of the dog after first insufflating it with air. He also used filtered atmospheric air to create a pneumoperitoneum, with the goal of stopping intra abdominal bleeding.

1910- Hans Christian Jacobaeus of Sweden reported the first laparoscopic operation in humans. This was done in USA. The instrument used was a proctoscope of a half inch diameter and ordinary light for illumination. The procedure was mainly inspecting abdominal cavity. This was called “organoscopy”.
An Early Laparoscopic Surgery

An early Lparoscopic Surgery

1911- H.B.Jacobaeus, again coined the term “laparothorakoscopie” after using this procedure on the thorax and abdomen. Heused introduced the trocar inside the body cavity directly without employing a pneumoperitoneum.

1920 -Zollikofer of Switzerland discovered the benefit of CO2 gas to use for insufflations, rather than filtered atmospheric air or nitrogen.

1929 - Heinz Kalk, a German gastroenterologist who is considered the founder of the German School of Laparoscopy developed a specific lens system and a dual trocar approach. He used laparoscopy as a diagnostic method for liver and gallbladder disease.

1934 - John C. Ruddock, M.D., F.A.C.P., pioneer in laparoscopy, an American internist described laparoscopic as a good diagnostic method, many times, superior than laparotomy. 

1936- Boesch ot Switzerland is credited for doing the first laparoscopic tubal sterilization.

1938 - J Veress, of Hungary, developed the spring-loaded needle. It main purpose was to perform therapeutic pneumothorax to treat patients suffering from tuberculosis. It current modifications make the “Veress” needle a perfect tool to achieve pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic surgery.
1944 - Raoul Palmer, performed gynecological examinations using laparoscopy and placing the patients in the Trendelemburg position, so air could fill the pelvis. He also stressed the importance of continuous intra-abdominal pressure monitoring during a laparoscopic procedure. 
1950- The first publication on diagnostic laparoscopy by Raoul Palmer.

1953-The rigid lens system was discovered by Professor Hopkins. By making this instrument he has revolutionized the concept of laporoscopic surgery.

1960-Kurt semm a German gynaecologist, has invented the automatic insuffator. In late 60 s this was developed into a method which can measure the intra abdominal pressure. This allowed safer laporoscopy.

1970-Laporascopy was widely used by the gynaecologist but general surgeons remained confined to the open surgery.

1972-H.Countay Clarke first time showed laparoscopic suturing technique foe haemostasis.
1980 - Patrick Steptoe, from England started to perform laparoscopic procedures in the operating room under sterile conditions.
1982 - First solid state camera was introduced. This is the start of "video-laparoscopy"

1983- First appendicectomy by Semm, a German gynaecologist.

1985- First laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

1987- First laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia.

1987- First laparoscopic cholecystectomy using video technique. This procedure has revolutionized the general surgery.

1988- First laparoscopic lymphadenectomy.

1994 - A robotic arm was designed to hold the laparoscope camera and instruments with the goal of improving safety, reducing resource utilization and improving efficiency and versatility for the surgeon.

1996 - First live broadcast of laparoscopic surgery via the Internet.

1997 - Reconnection of the fallopian tubes operation was performed successfully in Cleveland.

1998 - Dr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Mohr using the Da Vinci surgical robot performed the first robotically assisted heart bypass at the Leipzig Heart Centre in Germany.

2001 - Prof. Marescaux used the “Zeus” robot to perform a cholecystectomy on a pig in Strasbourg, France while in New York.
In September 2001, Dr. Michel Gagner used the Zeus robotic system to perform a cholecystectomy on a woman in Strasbourg, France while in New York.
The first unmanned robotic surgery took place in May 2006 in Italy.

Robot Technology in Laparoscopic Surgery.